/******************************************************************************* * S C R I P T T O A T T A C H E C O N O M I C R I S K V A L U E S * T O T H E I S S P 2 0 1 4 - 2 0 1 7 ******************************************************************************** ** Hanna Schwander, Dominik Flügel ** October 2019 ** Table of Contents * 1 Short Description & Preliminaries ..............................Line 28 * 2 Class Groups ...................................................Line 71 * 3 Age & Gender ...................................................Line 107 * 4 Combined Reference Groups ......................................Line 176 * 5 Attach LMV Values ..............................................Line 454 ** Cite as * Schwander, Hanna & Silja Häusermann (2013): Who is in and who is out? A risk-based conceptualization of insiders and outsiders", in: Journal of European Social Policy (23) 3: pp. 248-269. ** References * Kitschelt, Herbert & Philip Rehm (2005): "Work, Family and Politics: Foundations of Electoral Partisan Alignments in Postindustrial Democracies", paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association. * Oesch, Daniel (2006) "Redrawing the Class Map. Stratification and Institutions in Britain, Germany, Sweden and Switzerland", Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. ******************************************************************************** * 1 SHORT DESCRIPTION & PRELIMINARIES ******************************************************************************** This do-file connects ISSP data with respondents' economic risk or labor market vulnerability (lmv), based on Schwander & Häusermann (2013). First, using 2-digit ISCO codes, the class schema by Oesch (2006) will be applied in the collapsed version of Kitschelt and Rehm (2005) with five class groups. These five groups will then be disaggregated with binary gender and age variables to arrive at 20 reference groups. Second, the csv sheet based on EU SILC data of the desired year is imported and merged with the ISSP dataset so that each respondent is attributed one lmv value according to his or her respective reference group. You have to specify a directory in line 66, the dataset in line 69, and the desired years in line 70. Your directory has to contain the dataset and one or more of the csv sheets downloaded at schwander-hanna.ch/data. 5 Class groups (Kitschelt & Rehm 2005) * 1 Lower Service Functionaries * 2 Socio-Cultural Professionals * 3 Blue or Lower White Collar Workers * 4 Mixed Service Functionaries * 5 Capital Accumulators Note 1: In the following do-file, missing values are expected to be coded as such, i.e. ".a" instaed of "999". Note 2: The execution of this do-file might issue some error codes. This is normal and accounts for the fact that the do-file can be executed on multiple ISSP versions with different variable nomenclature. For more information, see the help files for the commands "confirm" and "capture". Note 3: This do-file is encoded with UTF-8. Note 4: If you wish to append multiple ISSP data sets, you have to run this do-file on each individual raw dataset before appending. Note 5: Respondents are coded into a class group based on their 2-digit ISCO code. This means that the scheme proposed by Oesch (which is based on 4-digit ISCO codes) is not fully congruent with the method below. We choose to rely on 2-digit ISCO because the SILC data only provides 2-digit codes. */ version 14 cd "[path]" // Please specify your working directory set more off log using issp_lmv, replace use "[filename.dta]", clear // Please specify the ISSP dataset you want this do-file to be executed on local years [20XX] //Please indicate (wihout quotes) the years for which you wish to obtain risk values, e.g.: 2007 2012 2015 ******************************************************************************** * 2 Class Groups ******************************************************************************** ** 2.1 Rename ISCO variables capture noisily confirm variable V1, exact if c(rc)==0 { if V1==6670 { // ISSP 2014, Citizenship II gen isco08=. replace isco08 = ISCO08 } } capture noisily confirm variable studyno, exact if c(rc)==0 { if studyno==6770 | /// ISSP 2015, Work Orientation IV studyno==6900 | /// ISSP 2016, Role of Government V studyno==6980 { // ISSP 2017, Social Networks and Social Resources III gen isco08=. replace isco08 = ISCO08 } } ** 2.2. Generate 2d-ISCO variable gen isco08_2d = int(isco08/100) tab isco08 isco08_2d in 1/5, nol //Check for errors in procedure ** 2.3 Assign class groups according to 2d ISCO08 values gen groups=. replace groups=1 if isco08_2d==10 | isco08_2d==11 | isco08_2d==12 | isco08_2d==13 /// | isco08_2d==14 | isco08_2d==20 | isco08_2d==21 | isco08_2d==24 /// | isco08_2d==25 | isco08_2d==33 replace groups=2 if isco08_2d==30 | isco08_2d==31 | isco08_2d==35 | isco08_2d==40 /// | isco08_2d==41 | isco08_2d==42 | isco08_2d==43 | isco08_2d==44 replace groups=3 if isco08_2d==60 | isco08_2d==61 | isco08_2d==62 | isco08_2d==63 /// | isco08_2d==70 | isco08_2d==71 | isco08_2d==72 | isco08_2d==73 /// | isco08_2d==74 | isco08_2d==75 | isco08_2d==80 | isco08_2d==81 /// | isco08_2d==82 | isco08_2d==83 | isco08_2d==92 | isco08_2d==93 /// | isco08_2d==96 replace groups=4 if isco08_2d==22 | isco08_2d==23 | isco08_2d==24 | isco08_2d==26 /// | isco08_2d==32 | isco08_2d==34 replace groups=5 if isco08_2d==50 | isco08_2d==51 | isco08_2d==52 | isco08_2d==53 | isco08_2d==54 /// | isco08_2d==91 | isco08_2d==94 | isco08_2d==95 tab isco08_2d if groups==. //Check whether all ISCO groups are used label var groups "Respondent's socio-economic group" #delimit ; label define groups 1 "Capital accumulators" 2 "Mixed service functionaires" 3 "Blue and lower white collar" 4 "Socio-cultural (semi-)professionals" 5 "Low service functionaires", modify; #delimit cr label values groups groups ******************************************************************************** * 3 Age and Gender Groups ******************************************************************************** * Gender gen gender=. replace gender=1 if SEX==2 replace gender=0 if SEX==1 label var gender "Gender" label def gender 1 "Female" 0 "Male", modify label values gender gender * Age gen young=. replace young=1 if AGE<40 replace young=0 if AGE>=40 label var young "Young, under 40" label def young 1 "Below 40" 0 "40+", modify label val young young * Combined Groups ** Young Women gen youngfemale=. label var youngfemale "Young Women " replace youngfemale=1 if gender==1 & young==1 replace youngfemale=0 if gender==0 | young==0 label define youngfemale 1 "Young Female" 0 "Else", modify label val youngfemale youngfemale ** Young Men gen youngmale =. label var youngmale "Young Men " replace youngmale =1 if gender==0 & young==1 replace youngmale =0 if gender==1 | young==0 label define youngmale 1 "Young Male" 0 "Else", modify label val youngmale youngmale ** Old Women gen oldfemale=. label var oldfemale "Old Women " replace oldfemale =1 if gender==1 & young==0 replace oldfemale =0 if gender==0 | young==1 label define oldfemale 1 "Old Female" 0 "Else", modify label val oldfemale oldfemale ** Old Men gen oldmale=. label var oldmale "Old Men " replace oldmale=1 if gender==0 & young==0 replace oldmale=0 if gender==1 | young==1 label define oldmale 1 "Old Male" 0 "Else", modify la val oldmale oldmale ******************************************************************************** * 4 Combined Reference Groups ******************************************************************************** * LSF Young Female gen LSF_youngfemale=. label var LSF_youngfemale "LSF Young Women" replace LSF_youngfemale=1 if youngfemale==1 & groups==5 replace LSF_youngfemale=0 if youngfemale==1 & groups!=5 replace LSF_youngfemale=0 if youngfemale==0 label def LSF_youngfemale 1 "LSF Young Female" 0 "Else", modify label val LSF_youngfemale LSF_youngfemale * LSF Young Male gen LSF_youngmale=. label var LSF_youngmale "LSF Young Men" replace LSF_youngmale=1 if youngmale==1 & groups==5 replace LSF_youngmale=0 if youngmale==1 & groups!=5 replace LSF_youngmale=0 if youngmale==0 label de LSF_youngmale 1 "LSF Young Male" 0 "Else", modify label val LSF_youngmale LSF_youngmale tab LSF_youngmale LSF_youngfemale * LSF Old Female gen LSF_oldfemale=. la var LSF_oldfemale "LSF Old Women" replace LSF_oldfemale=1 if oldfemale==1 & groups==5 replace LSF_oldfemale=0 if oldfemale==1 & groups!=5 replace LSF_oldfemale=0 if oldfemale==0 label def LSF_oldfemale 1 "LSF Old Female" 0 "Else", modify label val LSF_oldfemale LSF_oldfemale * LSF Old Male gen LSF_oldmale=. la var LSF_oldmale "LSF Old Men" replace LSF_oldmale=1 if oldmale==1 & groups==5 replace LSF_oldmale=0 if oldmale==1 & groups!=5 replace LSF_oldmale=0 if oldmale==0 label def LSF_oldmale 1 "LSF Old Male" 0 "Else", modify label val LSF_oldmale LSF_oldmale * SCP Young Female gen SCP_youngfemale=. la var SCP_youngfemale "SCP Young Women" replace SCP_youngfemale=1 if youngfemale==1 & groups==4 replace SCP_youngfemale=0 if youngfemale==1 & groups!=4 replace SCP_youngfemale=0 if youngfemale==0 label def SCP_youngfemale 1 "SCP Young Female" 0 "Else", modify label val SCP_youngfemale SCP_youngfemale * SCP Young Male gen SCP_youngmale=. la var SCP_youngmale "SCP Young Men" replace SCP_youngmale=1 if youngmale==1 & groups==4 replace SCP_youngmale=0 if youngmale==1 & groups!=4 replace SCP_youngmale=0 if youngmale==0 label def SCP_youngmale 1 "SCP Young Male" 0 "Else", modify label val SCP_youngmale SCP_youngmale * SCP Old Female gen SCP_oldfemale=. label var SCP_oldfemale "SCP Old Women" replace SCP_oldfemale=1 if oldfemale==1 & groups==4 replace SCP_oldfemale=0 if oldfemale==1 & groups!=4 replace SCP_oldfemale=0 if oldfemale==0 label def SCP_oldfemale 1 "SCP Old Female" 0 "Else", modify label val SCP_oldfemale SCP_oldfemale * SCP Old Male gen SCP_oldmale=. la var SCP_oldmale "SCP Old Men" replace SCP_oldmale=1 if oldmale==1 & groups==4 replace SCP_oldmale=0 if oldmale==1 & groups!=4 replace SCP_oldmale=0 if oldmale==0 la de SCP_oldmale 1 "SCP Old Male" 0 "Else", modify la val SCP_oldmale SCP_oldmale * BC Young Female gen BC_youngfemale=. label var BC_youngfemale "BC Young Women" replace BC_youngfemale=1 if youngfemale==1 & groups==3 replace BC_youngfemale=0 if youngfemale==1 & groups!=3 replace BC_youngfemale=0 if youngfemale==0 label def BC_youngfemale 1 "BC Young Female" 0 "Else", modify label val BC_youngfemale BC_youngfemale * BC Young Male gen BC_youngmale=. label var BC_youngmale "BC Young Men" replace BC_youngmale=1 if youngmale==1 & groups==3 replace BC_youngmale=0 if youngmale==1 & groups!=3 replace BC_youngmale=0 if youngmale==0 label def BC_youngmale 1 "BC Young Male" 0 "Else", modify label val BC_youngmale BC_youngmale * BC Old Female gen BC_oldfemale=. label var BC_oldfemale "BC Old Women" replace BC_oldfemale=1 if oldfemale==1 & groups==3 replace BC_oldfemale=0 if oldfemale==1 & groups!=3 replace BC_oldfemale=0 if oldfemale==0 label def BC_oldfemale 1 "BC Old Female" 0 "Else", modify label val BC_oldfemale BC_oldfemale * BC Old Male gen BC_oldmale=. label var BC_oldmale "BC Old Men" replace BC_oldmale=1 if oldmale==1 & groups==3 replace BC_oldmale=0 if oldmale==1 & groups!=3 replace BC_oldmale=0 if oldmale==0 label def BC_oldmale 1 "BC Old Male" 0 "Else", modify label val BC_oldmale BC_oldmale * MSF Young Female gen MSF_youngfemale=. label var MSF_youngfemale "MSF Young Women" replace MSF_youngfemale=1 if youngfemale==1 & groups==2 replace MSF_youngfemale=0 if youngfemale==1 & groups!=2 replace MSF_youngfemale=0 if youngfemale==0 label def MSF_youngfemale 1 "MSF Young Female" 0 "Else", modify label val MSF_youngfemale MSF_youngfemale * MSF Young Male gen MSF_youngmale=. label var MSF_youngmale "MSF Young Men" replace MSF_youngmale=1 if youngmale==1 & groups==2 replace MSF_youngmale=0 if youngmale==1 & groups!=2 replace MSF_youngmale=0 if youngmale==0 label def MSF_youngmale 1 "MSF Young Male" 0 "Else", modify label val MSF_youngmale MSF_youngmale * MSF Old Female gen MSF_oldfemale=. label var MSF_oldfemale "MSF Old Women" replace MSF_oldfemale=1 if oldfemale==1 & groups==2 replace MSF_oldfemale=0 if oldfemale==1 & groups!=2 replace MSF_oldfemale=0 if oldfemale==0 label def MSF_oldfemale 1 "MSF Old Female" 0 "Else", modify label val MSF_oldfemale MSF_oldfemale * MSF Old Male gen MSF_oldmale=. label var MSF_oldmale "BC Old Men" replace MSF_oldmale=1 if oldmale==1 & groups==2 replace MSF_oldmale=0 if oldmale==1 & groups!=2 replace MSF_oldmale=0 if oldmale==0 label def MSF_oldmale 1 "MSF Old Male" 0 "Else", modify label val MSF_oldmale MSF_oldmale * CA Young Female gen CA_youngfemale=. label var CA_youngfemale "CA Young Women" replace CA_youngfemale=1 if youngfemale==1 & groups==1 replace CA_youngfemale=0 if youngfemale==1 & groups!=1 replace CA_youngfemale=0 if youngfemale==0 label def CA_youngfemale 1 "CA Young Female" 0 "Else", modify label val CA_youngfemale CA_youngfemale * CA Young Male gen CA_youngmale=. label var CA_youngmale "CA Young Men" replace CA_youngmale=1 if youngmale==1 & groups==1 replace CA_youngmale=0 if youngmale==1 & groups!=1 replace CA_youngmale=0 if youngmale==0 label def CA_youngmale 1 "CA Young Male" 0 "Else", modify label val CA_youngmale CA_youngmale * CA Old Female gen CA_oldfemale=. la var CA_oldfemale "CA Old Women" replace CA_oldfemale=1 if oldfemale==1 & groups==1 replace CA_oldfemale=0 if oldfemale==1 & groups!=1 replace CA_oldfemale=0 if oldfemale==0 la de CA_oldfemale 1 "CA Old Female" 0 "Else", modify la val CA_oldfemale CA_oldfemale * CA Old Male gen CA_oldmale=. label var CA_oldmale "CA Old Men" replace CA_oldmale=1 if oldmale==1 & groups==1 replace CA_oldmale=0 if oldmale==1 & groups!=1 replace CA_oldmale=0 if oldmale==0 label def CA_oldmale 1 "CA Old Male" 0 "Else", modify label val CA_oldmale CA_oldmale * Variable that contains all exl.groups gen exlgroups=. label var exlgroups "socio-economic groups (excl)" replace exlgroups =1 if LSF_youngfemale ==1 replace exlgroups =2 if LSF_youngmale ==1 replace exlgroups =3 if LSF_oldfemale ==1 replace exlgroups =4 if LSF_oldmale ==1 replace exlgroups =5 if SCP_youngfemale ==1 replace exlgroups =6 if SCP_youngmale ==1 replace exlgroups =7 if SCP_oldfemale ==1 replace exlgroups =8 if SCP_oldmale ==1 replace exlgroups =9 if BC_youngfemale ==1 replace exlgroups =10 if BC_youngmale ==1 replace exlgroups =11 if BC_oldfemale ==1 replace exlgroups =12 if BC_oldmale ==1 replace exlgroups =13 if MSF_youngfemale ==1 replace exlgroups =14 if MSF_youngmale ==1 replace exlgroups =15 if MSF_oldfemale ==1 replace exlgroups =16 if MSF_oldmale ==1 replace exlgroups =17 if CA_youngfemale==1 replace exlgroups =18 if CA_youngmale==1 replace exlgroups =19 if CA_oldfemale==1 replace exlgroups =20 if CA_oldmale==1 #delimit ; label def exlgroups 1 "LSF Young Female" 2 "LSF Young Male" 3 "LSF Old Female" 4 "LSF Old Male" 5 "SCP Young Female" 6 "SCP Young Male" 7 "SCP Old Female" 8 "SCP Old Male" 9 "BC Young Female" 10 "BC Young Male" 11 "BC Old Female" 12 "BC Old Male" 13 "MSF Young Female" 14 "MSF Young Male" 15 "MSF Old Female" 16 "MSF Old Male" 17 "CA Young Female" 18 "CA Young Male" 19 "CA Old Female" 20 "CA Old Male", modify; label val exlgroups exlgroups; #delimit cr ******************************************************************************** * 5 Attach LMV Values ******************************************************************************** * 5.1 Harmonize country variables capture noisily confirm variable V1, exact if c(rc)==0 { // ISSP 2014 rename C_ALPHAN c_alphan } gen cntry = c_alphan replace cntry = "BE" if c_alphan=="BE-FLA" replace cntry = "DE" if c_alphan=="DE-E" | c_alphan=="DE-W" replace cntry = "UK" if c_alphan=="GB-GBN" | c_alphan=="GB-NIR" * 5.2 Import Excel Table in order to merge save "ISSP_temp", replace foreach y of local years { import delimited using "lmv_values_`y'.csv", clear /// colrange(2:16) rowrange(4:23) varnames(2) delimiters(",") foreach x of varlist _all { rename `x' lmv_`x'_`y' } gen exlgroups=int(_n) // generate variable that contains the exlgroup number save "LMV_TEMP_`y'", replace } use "ISSP_temp", clear foreach y of local years { merge m:1 exlgroups using "LMV_TEMP_`y'", keepusing(lmv_*) * Obtain one lmv variable capture noisily replace lmv_at_`y'=. if cntry!="AT" capture noisily replace lmv_be_`y'=. if cntry!="BE" capture noisily replace lmv_ch_`y'=. if cntry!="CH" capture noisily replace lmv_de_`y'=. if cntry!="DE" capture noisily replace lmv_dk_`y'=. if cntry!="DK" capture noisily replace lmv_es_`y'=. if cntry!="ES" capture noisily replace lmv_fi_`y'=. if cntry!="FI" capture noisily replace lmv_fr_`y'=. if cntry!="FR" capture noisily replace lmv_gr_`y'=. if cntry!="GR" capture noisily replace lmv_ie_`y'=. if cntry!="IE" capture noisily replace lmv_is_`y'=. if cntry!="IS" capture noisily replace lmv_it_`y'=. if cntry!="IT" capture noisily replace lmv_nl_`y'=. if cntry!="NL" capture noisily replace lmv_no_`y'=. if cntry!="NO" capture noisily replace lmv_pt_`y'=. if cntry!="PT" capture noisily replace lmv_se_`y'=. if cntry!="SE" capture noisily replace lmv_uk_`y'=. if cntry!="GB" gen lmv`y' =. capture noisily replace lmv`y' = lmv_at_`y' if cntry=="AT" capture noisily replace lmv`y' = lmv_be_`y' if cntry=="BE" capture noisily replace lmv`y' = lmv_ch_`y' if cntry=="CH" capture noisily replace lmv`y' = lmv_de_`y' if cntry=="DE" capture noisily replace lmv`y' = lmv_dk_`y' if cntry=="DK" capture noisily replace lmv`y' = lmv_es_`y' if cntry=="ES" capture noisily replace lmv`y' = lmv_fi_`y' if cntry=="FI" capture noisily replace lmv`y' = lmv_fr_`y' if cntry=="FR" capture noisily replace lmv`y' = lmv_gr_`y' if cntry=="GR" capture noisily replace lmv`y' = lmv_ie_`y' if cntry=="IE" capture noisily replace lmv`y' = lmv_is_`y' if cntry=="IS" capture noisily replace lmv`y' = lmv_it_`y' if cntry=="IT" capture noisily replace lmv`y' = lmv_nl_`y' if cntry=="NL" capture noisily replace lmv`y' = lmv_no_`y' if cntry=="NO" capture noisily replace lmv`y' = lmv_pt_`y' if cntry=="PT" capture noisily replace lmv`y' = lmv_se_`y' if cntry=="SE" capture noisily replace lmv`y' = lmv_uk_`y' if cntry=="GB" label var lmv`y' "Labor Market Risk Value in the year `y'" drop _merge } drop lmv_* ******************************************************************************** //log 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